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unreasonable for getting upset. He still hasn’t apologized.”
“What did he say that upset you?”
“He made a comment about my weight. And I know I’m overly sensitive about it,
but if he knew me at all, why would he even bring it up?”
“Maybe he didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” Alejandro said.
“Then why can’t he just say that instead of exacerbating the argument. Would it kill
him to say, ‘Honey, I’m sorry,’ even if he doesn’t quite understand why he’s
“But it would be nice if he understood why?”
“I’m not asking for miracles.”
“What exactly did he say?”
Cindy Jacks
I exhaled. “I was really happy because I’d gotten some new clothes, which I usually
don’t do. And he said something like I should’ve waited to spend the money until I was
at my target weight.”
“Ay, qué idiota.”
“Then, he tried to say we are both chunky now. What woman likes to be described
as chunky?”
“And what did you tell him?”
“I tried to explain to him that he’d upset me, but he just shut down and got
“You feel like he doesn’t listen to you?”
“And you feel unappreciated when he ignores your feelings.”
“Exactly.” Tears welled up in my eyes. “And I want him to think I’m beautiful.”
“Sh, preciosa. Don’t cry. And I’m sure he thinks you’re the most beautiful woman in
the world.” He stroked my hand. “On behalf of my gender, I apologize that you have to
withstand our collective stupidity.”
I chuffed a laugh and wiped my eyes.
“Let’s talk about happier things. What kind of clothes did you buy?” he asked.
“New lingerie.”
“¿En verdad? Now I know he’s a fool. Did you wear some of your new clothes
“I did. Just a bra and cami set, but they’re pretty sexy.”
Alejandro caught the waiter’s attention. “Check, please.”
* * * * *
Love Game
I perched on the edge of his bed as he hung up his sports coat. He walked over and
took a seat next to me. Fingertips skittering to the hemline of my dress, Alejandro said,
“Now, what about those panties I’ve heard so much about.”
“Not yet.” I pushed his hand away.
He pouted, sliding off the bed onto his knees. “You want me to beg you?”
Peering down at him, I put a finger to his lips. With a swipe of his tongue, he licked
the skin between my thumb and forefinger. I laughed and gave him a gentle shove. His
gaze boring a hole in me, he lunged and took me down onto the mattress.
I worked the buttons on his shirt and he sloughed off the garment. For a moment, I
stared up at him and the gorgeous expanse of his unblemished chest. He nuzzled my
jawline and moved his lips past my ear. “Let me see you.”
At first, I wasn’t sure what he wanted me to do, but when he moved off me and
propped himself up with pillows, arms folded over his torso, I realized he expected a
“I was promised sexy underwear.” He motioned with his hand as if to say the floor
was all mine.
Taking a deep breath, I decided I could do this. In fact, it might be fun. I crawled off
the end of the bed, kicking off my heels.
“Leave the shoes on.”
A mocking expression on my face, I stepped into the stilettos again and propped
one leg on the bed, pulling up the skirt of my dress to give him a peek of the red lace
beneath. A wicked grin parted his lips.
I unzipped my dress and slipped it down around my waist. Immediately, he
focused on the plump mounds of cleavage formed by the cups of the camisole and he
swallowed hard. The power I had over him went to my head and I grew bolder. I let the
dress flutter to the ground and stepped out of it. Doing my best supermodel strut, I
walked to the side of the bed. Knees together, I dropped low, licking my forefinger and
Cindy Jacks
running it between my breasts. For just a second, I spread my legs, giving him another
peek at the panties and then promptly closed my thighs. A low growl rumbled in his
throat. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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