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for her heartbeat to calm enough for her to drop onto her elbows to rest.
Wade finally withdrew and picked up his briefs. He then turned her around and wiped her clean.
 I hope you don t think that I only came here to have sex with you.
 No. That was the truth. She believed his intentions had been good, but they seemed to have
trouble keeping apart, slowly convincing her that they were mates after all.
* * *
WADE WAS COVERED in sweat.  You want to take a shower?
 Have you seen my bathroom? Her voice rose.
 It s a little small, but maybe we can fit.
She ran a hand down his arm.  How about if you get settled in while I shower? Then you can take
Being the guest in her house, he wouldn t argue. He d never lived with anyone before, so he
really wasn t sure how this was going to pan out.  Works for me.
Emmaline gathered her sweats and shirt and walked bare-assed down the hallway. God, she was
a beautiful woman. Wade stepped into his pants, picked up his other clothes, and gathered his two
suitcases. He d not been to her bedroom before, but he hoped it held at least a queen-sized bed.
As soon as he entered, he could see things would be a tight squeeze. The bed was of acceptable
size and she had a dresser, but not much else. That was okay. He could handle it. Wade wanted to be
with Emmaline, and if it meant a little inconvenience, he d deal.
For the time being, he d leave most of his clothes in his suitcases, but he did need to hang up his
one suit and three dress shirts that he brought for when he had a meeting with a client. Most times he
could get away with casual attire at work, but not always.
Once he gathered his good clothes, he opened her closet. Well, shit. Her stuff was jammed in
there with no room for any of his gear, though he managed to snag three hangers to put his shirts on.
He ended up hanging one shirt on the doorknob, another on the closet handle, and the last he hooked
on the dresser. Possibly not the best solution, but it would have to do.
Gathering his toiletries, he headed to the bathroom. The shower was still running, so he opened
the door and stepped in. Steam billowed around the room, heating him even more.
 I m not done yet, Emmaline said from behind the opaque shower curtain that was covered in
howling wolves. Once his child was born, things might have to change like having a curtain covered
with pictures of cute little bears.
 I m just here to put up my toiletries. Wade had to shove some of her things to the side to make
room for his razor, electric toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant. Having run out of space, he stacked
what was left on top of the toilet tank. He stepped back, pleased with how he was able to fit.
She shut off the water, and a towel disappeared from over the top of the bar. A few seconds later,
a hand wiggled out of the side.  Can you hand me the pink towel?
 Sure. He took it off the rack, gave it to her, and then chuckled at her modesty.
Since it was now his turn to shower, he ditched his pants and waited for her to get out. When she
did, one towel was wrapped around her head and the other surrounded her body. She glanced
between the top of the toilet and the counter.  You moved my things.
Wade was uncertain how to respond. He thought it obvious that he d done the best he could given
the space.  What would you have liked me to have done? He was rather pleased with his calm
Her lips firm.  I don t know. I ve never lived with anyone before. Actually, that s not true. I ve
lived with three sisters and we had to share a bathroom, but it was always neat.
Ouch. He could see why she was so concerned. He quickly straightened his junk.  Maybe I can
get one of those storage units that go around the toilet so I can put all my gear in there. Emmaline
didn t answer at first. She picked up her clothes and hugged them to her chest.  That might be good.
She stepped past him, opened the door, and slipped out. Well that didn t go as well as he d
hoped. He could find solutions to people s investment problems, yet he didn t seem to be able to
work his magic with Emmaline. Perhaps his good friend, Burke, could give him some pointers. After
all, he d recently moved in with Tasha, and they seemed to manage quite well. Then again, Tasha
wasn t pregnant.
Chapter Twelve
THE NEXT WEEK had to have been the worst in Emmaline s life. What started out odd but okay, ended in
tragedy. For starters, Wade wasn t acting normally. No matter how frustrated, sick, or testy she
became, he always had a smile on his face. That was the odd part. She should have been thrilled that
he was so easy to live with, but she knew it wouldn t last.
Then the little things started to bother her, like how toothpaste rings would appear on her
bathroom counter under his electric toothbrush, and how the bar of soap never made it to the dish.
Even though she had a bin for the toilet paper, never once did the roll get on the holder. The toilet seat
being left up honestly didn t bother her as much.
True to his word, he d purchased an over-the-toilet cabinet to store his things, but that only
temporarily solved the problem as the items began to migrate to the counter. Then there was the issue
of the towels. Wade often forgot to hang his up, leaving it on the floor instead.
The bedroom was a total catastrophe. Sure her room was small, but he left his clothes strewn
everywhere. At least the sex had been great in there, though that meant she went to bed every night
exhausted. She could have handled that, but her morning sickness wasn t getting any better. She d
made an appointment with Dr. Samuels for next week, hoping he could give her something for the
Work went downhill, too. By the end of the week, she found it increasingly more difficult to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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