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Functions are coded procedures within the script engine. A script can
invoke functions, which take arguments, perform a specific action, and
return the result. This process might sound similar to a named template,
but there are large differences between the two:
n A named template is actual script code, whereas a function is part of
the underlying Junos operating system itself.
n Values are provided to named templates through the use of
parameters, which are assigned by name, but functions use arguments
where a precise order is mandated.
n Functions actually return results, whereas named templates can only
write to the result tree and have that result tree fragment redirected to a
variable in the calling function.
50 Day One: Applying Junos Operations Automation
The syntax of functions differs from that of named templates as well.
The call statement is not used; only the function name is provided and
the required arguments specified within parenthesis:
expr substring( $localtime, 1, 3 );
Functions return values, as an example the substring() function returns a
string. The above code writes the string value to the result tree. The
script code could assign the string value to a variable instead using the
following syntax:
var $day-string = substring( $localtime, 1, 3 );
Note the difference between assigning a value to a variable from a
named template versus from a function:
var $day-of-week = { call get-day-of-week(); }
String Functions
String functions are used regularly within scripts. Table 3.2 lists some of
the most common and useful of the string functions.
Table 3.2 String Functions
var $hello-string = substring( Hello World , 1, 5 );
Takes a starting string and returns the substring that begins at
substring( string-value,
the specified index and extends for the given length. This
starting-index, length )
example results in the $hello-string being assigned the string
value Hello . In SLAX, indexes always begin with 1.
var $hello-string = substring-before( Hello World ,
Returns a substring of string-value-1, but in this case the size
substring-before( string-
of the substring is determined by the location of string-value-2
value-1, string-value-2 )
within string-value-1. The function returns the entire portion
of string-value-1 up to string-value-2. The example results
in $hello-string being assigned the string value Hello .
var $world-string = substring-after( Hello World , );
Returns the portion of string-value-1 which comes after
substring-after( string-
string-value-2 [i.e.,the reverse logic of substring-be-
value-1, string-value-2 )
fore()]. This example sets $world-string to the string value
World .
Chapter 3: Understanding SLAX Language Fundamentals 51
if( contains( $interface-name, "ge-" ) ) {
"The interface is Gigabit-Ethernet";
Returns a boolean value of true or false. If string-value-1
contains( string-value-1,
contains string-value-2 then it returns true, otherwise it
string-value-2 )
returns false. The example shows the contains() function. This
code uses it to determine if an interface is a ge or not based on
the presence of the second string ge- in the string $interface-
name. If the returned value is true then a string is written to the
result tree.
if( starts-with( $interface-name, "ge-" ) ) {
"The interface is Gigabit-Ethernet";
starts-with( string-
value-1, string-value-2 )
Returns a boolean value of true if string-value-1 begins with
string-value-2, otherwise it returns false. In the example, if
$interface-name begins with ge- then a string is written to
the result tree.
expr string-length("ospf");
string-length( string-
Returns the number of characters within the string. The exam-
value )
ple causes the value 4 to be written to the result tree.
var $new-string = translate( $string, "abcdefghijklmnopqr
The translate() function translates the characters within the
translate( string-value,
string-value, where the function translates any matching
from-string, to-string )
characters within from-string to their corresponding characters
in to-string and returns the result. This example translates a
string into upper-case.
MORE? This booklet only covers a portion of the available functions. Additional
functions are discussed in the Configuration and Diagnostic Automation
Guide at www.juniper.net/techpubs.
Printing unformatted output to the screen is sufficient for some scripts,
but in many cases it is more user-friendly to have formatted script output
where each line follows the same column spacing. The jcs:printf()
function is used in op scripts for this purpose. It returns a string based on
the formatting instructions and values provided in the arguments.
NOTE The jcs:printf() function does not output directly to the console, it
only returns a formatted string. This string can then be output to the
console as desired.
52 Day One: Applying Junos Operations Automation
The syntax for jcs:printf() is the following:
jcs:printf( "expression", value1, value2, ..., valuex );
The string expression contains embedded placeholders that indicate
where each value should be inserted, as well as the format in which
they should be placed. Here is an example:
jcs:printf("%-10s%-10s","OSPF","ISIS" );
jcs:printf("%10s%10s", "OSPF", "ISIS" );
There are two embedded placeholders in the expression of each of
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