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modification for which a new CPL has been created to take advantage of the dimensioning scheme:
ZX Environment
This environment provides view ports and construction planes that simulate the orientation of a turned part
in a machine tool during manufacture. In the case of a lathe for example, it is usual to work in the ZX plane
where the Z axis is horizontal.
If a turned component is drawn in the XY plane, you can flip the component into the ZX plane using the
Transform, Transpose (Edit menu) command.
You can switch between environments when designing a part by selecting one of the XY Environment or
ZX Environment commands from the Options menu. These environments are mutually exclusive and the
active command is shown with a tick againt it.
You can also select an XY or ZX Environment from within the Preferences (Options menu) command.
It is obviously easier to make the modifications to the part while working in the new CPL rather than in one
of the existing CPLs.
An unlimited number of CPLs can be created. When a CPL is created it becomes the current CPL and
remains active until another CPL is selected or created.
To create a new CPL
EdgeCAM User Guide
Selecting the Environment
Selecting CPLs
EdgeCAM a CPLtes within a ti envir ane)
To select opera (Construcn on Plonment which is selectable according to the type of part being designed
or manufactured. Selection of an environment determines which construction planes, view port layouts and
commands are availableCPL (Ge ometry re explained later in this section.)
. (These terms a
1. Select the Select menu) command.
An environment provides you with orientations and views of the component that match particular tool types.
, the box her ains the name of the curre of Names contains the
You can By defaultcompName in eitcontenvironment and change ent CPL. The list will. This has no effect on
design a onent nvironments at
stan d CPLs. ded t .
the componedarother tha As user defined views of thadcompo the tptart, tthe list is updatednts to you.
nt n to change the CPLs are e onen hat he system prese
There are two environments to choose from:
2. When changing from one CPL to another, the active Level is reset to zero. Enter a new level for the
CPL, if required, by entering a value or digitising an entity from which to take the level information.
XY Environment
This is the new distance from the CPL s original plane of definition at which entities are created.
This provides view ports and construction planes for constructing a part with respect to the usual X, Y, Z
This can be used to change the level of the current CPL if nothing is selected from the Name list
Cartesian co-ordinate system. This is the default environment when entering EdgeCAM. Typically, the XY
box. (The current level can also be changed from the Toolbar or only the display of levels.)
environment is used for generating Milling, Wire and CMM components.
2. If the ZX environment is current, set the Input Mode. The input mode determines whether X axis
dimensions refer to Radial or Diametral values. If the mode is set to Diametral and the explicit co-
ZX Environment
ordinates X20Z20 are given, EdgeCAM takes the X value to be a diameter.
This environment provides view ports and construction planes that simulate the orientation of a turned part
3. Select
in a machine tthe name ofman ufact ure. In the case ent flatm the Name list box.usual to work in the ZX plane
ool during the CPL to be made currof a ro he for example, it is
where Click on OK.
the Z axis is horizontal.
If a turned component is drawn in the XY plane, you can flip the component into the ZX plane using the
Transform, Transpose (Edit menu) command.
You can switch between environments when designing a part by selecting one of the XY Environment or
ZX Environment commands from the Options menu. These environments are mutually exclusive and the
active command is shown with a tick againt it.
You can also select an XY or ZX Environment from within the Preferences (Options menu) command.
EdgeCAM User Guide
Selting CPLs
Ediecting the Environment
EdgeCAM opCPLss(Top,in an envir so o nt which is selectable ccordin t t a type ard CPL can be edited.
For standard erate with Front andonmen) only the Work Planea paramegerootfhe standof part being designed
or manufactured. Selection of an environment determines which construction planes, view port layouts and
You see a warning if you edit a CPL that is the 'Initial CPL' of a machining sequence, as there are
commands are available. (These terms are explained later in this section.)
potential dangers. For example:
An environment provides you with orientations and views of the component that match particular tool types.
You can pids wi amove onent in h he environ they and based e n nvironments a will. fThisdigitises. Toolpath
Radesignll compalong witeitther CPL, asment are chango ecoordinate inptut or ree has no effect on
the comoves nt other ha t t changr willviews of the component tThis he syst thatprhe CPL to you.
mpone associattivenoogeometeythe not move with the CPL. hat tmeans em t esents edit may move a
rapid so that it collides with part geometry.
There are two environments to choose from:
If you rotate a CPL of a milling sequence so the geometry no longer lies in the plane of the CPL, the
cycles would fail to regenerate.
XY Environment
To edit a CPL
This provides view ports and construction planes for constructing a part with respect to the usual X, Y, Z
Cartesian co-ordinate system. This is the default environment when entering EdgeCAM. Typically, the XY
CPL (Edit menu) d. The
en1. nment is u Milling, d CMM components.
viroSelect the sed for generating commanWire andialog box for the command is displayed.
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